最新活動 Latest Program
Arts & Society Hubs Network Asia Mobility Program
*本專案合作夥伴:Mekong Cultural Hub, Heritage Space (越南) and Association for Myanmar Contemporary Arts, AMCA (緬甸).
符合資格之實踐者,需透過電子信箱提供以下審核資料(請查閱附件 1):
1. 基本資料
2. 計畫說明
3. 其他有助於審核之輔助資料(如有)
- 中華民國籍或持有台灣合法居留權之東南亞*文化藝術工作者。
- 介於18至45歲,且持有效期不少於6個月之有效護照。
- 補助限台灣出發至任一湄公河流域國家,包括越南、緬甸、泰國、寮國及柬埔寨。
- 實踐場域包括但不限視覺藝術、影像工作、音樂、文化研究、寫作、藝術評論、表演藝術、策展、文化行政等。
- 其計畫獲實踐領域需與社會或社會發展具有連結性,且國際移動需和文化與社會具有明確相關性。
*本專案合作夥伴:Mekong Cultural Hub, Heritage Space (越南) and Association for Myanmar Contemporary Arts, AMCA (緬甸).
符合資格之實踐者,需透過電子信箱提供以下審核資料(請查閱附件 1):
1. 基本資料
2. 計畫說明
3. 其他有助於審核之輔助資料(如有)
審核準則依據 |
分數 |
計畫敘述之清晰及完整度: 包含清楚定義之主旨、詳細執行方式和社會連結等。 |
4/10 |
計畫主軸和任一專案主旨相符: 包括移民議題、文化地圖(重)繪製、當代敘事的建立及草根創新。 |
3/10 |
實踐者之執行能力與專業程度: 相關經歷、完善的計畫執行期程及詳盡的經費預算。 |
3/10 |
1. 獲補助者需在計畫執行期中參與線上內部工作坊,作為期中評量。詳細進行方式需在計畫執行開始後和大大樹音樂圖像確認。
2. 獲補助者需在計畫結束後辦理公開/非公開工作坊,分享國際移動經驗、洞察及計畫執行成果,作為期末評量。詳細執行方式需納入補助者計畫書中。
3. 獲補助者在計畫執行期間若發生違法情事或悖離計畫內容,且情節重大者,補助單位得撤銷其補助資格,並追繳已發放之補助金。
1. 所有審核資料請寄至電子信箱 [email protected],並來電 02-23413491 確認。
2. 資料確認收件後,將於三週內以實體信函通知審核結果。若因資料填寫不全或有誤導致信件無法送達,後果自負。
3. 審核通過並獲得補助者,需簽立合作備忘錄以茲遵守。
4. 上述說明事項若有未盡事宜,大大樹音樂圖像保留補充修改之權利,若有任何更動,皆以本活動網站公告為準,不另行通知。
1. 獲補助者需在計畫執行期中參與線上內部工作坊,作為期中評量。詳細進行方式需在計畫執行開始後和大大樹音樂圖像確認。
2. 獲補助者需在計畫結束後辦理公開/非公開工作坊,分享國際移動經驗、洞察及計畫執行成果,作為期末評量。詳細執行方式需納入補助者計畫書中。
3. 獲補助者在計畫執行期間若發生違法情事或悖離計畫內容,且情節重大者,補助單位得撤銷其補助資格,並追繳已發放之補助金。
1. 所有審核資料請寄至電子信箱 [email protected],並來電 02-23413491 確認。
2. 資料確認收件後,將於三週內以實體信函通知審核結果。若因資料填寫不全或有誤導致信件無法送達,後果自負。
3. 審核通過並獲得補助者,需簽立合作備忘錄以茲遵守。
4. 上述說明事項若有未盡事宜,大大樹音樂圖像保留補充修改之權利,若有任何更動,皆以本活動網站公告為準,不另行通知。
Art & Society Hubs Network Asia Mobility Program (Taiwan) Guidelines
Program Objectives
The Art & Society Hubs Network-Asia shares the values of strengthening art and cultural networks across Southeast Asia and Taiwan, to facilitate mutual learning among individuals, organizations and communities, and to share resources among the hubs.
We support artists and cultural practitioners in the regions, with a connecting focus on migration, (re)mapping, establishing new narratives and grassroots’ innovation.
The Art & Society Hubs Network-Asia Program includes two components: the mobility grant and the event funding. The mobility grant (Taiwan) is intended for artist practitioners through curation, while the event funding will be utilized for local workshops, talks, and artist events organized and hosted by Trees Music & Art, including those in collaboration with other hub partners.
Mobility Grant Duration
From 1st August 2024 to 30th September 2025.
Selection Process & Criteria
Eligible practitioners for the mobility grant (Taiwan) will be selected through curation.
This phase focuses on the "Mekong Border," exploring the history, memories, and stories of the areas surrounding the Mekong River basin, and reimagining the cultural map of the region.
The selection will be made according to criteria based on the program and network objectives. The potential impact of the proposed projects on the individual in mobility, the hub, and the overall Art & Society Network Asia will also be taken into consideration.
Eligible practitioners from the Taiwan region will be assessed by Trees Music & Art. For mobilities toward Vietnam or Myanmar, there will be a joint assessment by the program's hub partners.
*Hub partners: Mekong Cultural Hub, Heritage Space (Vietnam) and Association for Myanmar Contemporary Arts, AMCA (Myanmar).
Materials for Assessment
Eligible practitioners are required to provide the following documents via email for assessment (please download Attachment 1)
1. Basic information
2. Project description
3. Other supporting documents or materials (if any)
Program Objectives
The Art & Society Hubs Network-Asia shares the values of strengthening art and cultural networks across Southeast Asia and Taiwan, to facilitate mutual learning among individuals, organizations and communities, and to share resources among the hubs.
We support artists and cultural practitioners in the regions, with a connecting focus on migration, (re)mapping, establishing new narratives and grassroots’ innovation.
The Art & Society Hubs Network-Asia Program includes two components: the mobility grant and the event funding. The mobility grant (Taiwan) is intended for artist practitioners through curation, while the event funding will be utilized for local workshops, talks, and artist events organized and hosted by Trees Music & Art, including those in collaboration with other hub partners.
Mobility Grant Duration
From 1st August 2024 to 30th September 2025.
- Artists or cultural practitioners of Taiwanese nationality, or those of Southeast Asian nationalities* who are based in Taiwan and hold legal or permanent residency.
- Aged 18 to 45 with a passport valid for at least 6 months before expiration.
- Travel must be between Taiwan and the Mekong River Basin countries, which include Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.
- Practice fields include but are not limited to visual artists, filmmakers, musicians, art researchers, writers, art critics, performers, curators, cultural administration, etc.
- The purpose of their work/project must be connected to society and social development, and their travel must have a clear relevance to the fields of art and society.
Selection Process & Criteria
Eligible practitioners for the mobility grant (Taiwan) will be selected through curation.
This phase focuses on the "Mekong Border," exploring the history, memories, and stories of the areas surrounding the Mekong River basin, and reimagining the cultural map of the region.
The selection will be made according to criteria based on the program and network objectives. The potential impact of the proposed projects on the individual in mobility, the hub, and the overall Art & Society Network Asia will also be taken into consideration.
Eligible practitioners from the Taiwan region will be assessed by Trees Music & Art. For mobilities toward Vietnam or Myanmar, there will be a joint assessment by the program's hub partners.
*Hub partners: Mekong Cultural Hub, Heritage Space (Vietnam) and Association for Myanmar Contemporary Arts, AMCA (Myanmar).
Materials for Assessment
Eligible practitioners are required to provide the following documents via email for assessment (please download Attachment 1)
1. Basic information
2. Project description
3. Other supporting documents or materials (if any)
Assessment Criteria
The assessment will be based on the following evaluation grid:
The assessment will be based on the following evaluation grid:
Guiding principle for assessment |
Points |
Project’s clarity and comprehensiveness: Includes a well-defined objective, a detailed execution plan and social impacts. |
4/10 |
Project focus aligns with any of the program’s objectives: Includes migration issues, cultural (re)mapping, establishing new narratives and grassroots’ innovation. |
3/10 |
Practitioners’ execution profession and capability: Demonstrated through relevant experience, a detailed project schedule and a clear budget. |
3/10 |
Practitioners are required to reach at least 7 out of 10 points on the assessment.
Mobility Grant Coverage
A flat rate of $1,500 USD will be given to each grantee prior to their departure to use flexibly for travel expenses such as return flights, visa fees, travel insurance, accommodation, ground transportation, stipends, local language interpretation, work production, and more.
Please note that travel insurance is compulsory. Each grantee is required to present proof of insurance purchase prior to departure.
Number of Mobility Grants
2 for mobility grants.
Evaluations, Terms and Condition
1. Grantees are required to participate in an internal sharing session via online meetings midway through their project duration, serving as a mid-term evaluation. Detailed arrangements shall be confirmed with Trees Music & Art after the project starts.
2. Grantees are required to organize an open or closed sharing event, either online or physical, to share their experiences, insights and outcomes from their projects after the program ends, serving as a final evaluation. Detailed arrangements shall be included in their submitted proposal.
3. The grant will be revoked if grantees are found to be non-compliant with the proposed plan or commit violations of the law during the project execution period.
Important Notes
1. Please submit the materials for assessment to [email protected], and kindly give us a call at 02-23413491 to confirm the submission.
2. Practitioners will be notified of their assessment results via mailing notice within 3 weeks of submitting their assessment materials.
3. Selected grantees must sign a contract with Trees Music & Art and agree to abide by its terms.
4. Trees Music & Art reserves the right to amend or modify any matters not explicitly covered herein.
Mobility Grant Coverage
A flat rate of $1,500 USD will be given to each grantee prior to their departure to use flexibly for travel expenses such as return flights, visa fees, travel insurance, accommodation, ground transportation, stipends, local language interpretation, work production, and more.
Please note that travel insurance is compulsory. Each grantee is required to present proof of insurance purchase prior to departure.
Number of Mobility Grants
2 for mobility grants.
Evaluations, Terms and Condition
1. Grantees are required to participate in an internal sharing session via online meetings midway through their project duration, serving as a mid-term evaluation. Detailed arrangements shall be confirmed with Trees Music & Art after the project starts.
2. Grantees are required to organize an open or closed sharing event, either online or physical, to share their experiences, insights and outcomes from their projects after the program ends, serving as a final evaluation. Detailed arrangements shall be included in their submitted proposal.
3. The grant will be revoked if grantees are found to be non-compliant with the proposed plan or commit violations of the law during the project execution period.
Important Notes
1. Please submit the materials for assessment to [email protected], and kindly give us a call at 02-23413491 to confirm the submission.
2. Practitioners will be notified of their assessment results via mailing notice within 3 weeks of submitting their assessment materials.
3. Selected grantees must sign a contract with Trees Music & Art and agree to abide by its terms.
4. Trees Music & Art reserves the right to amend or modify any matters not explicitly covered herein.
This mobility grant project is jointly managed and executed by the 'Art and Society Hubs Network. Click here to learn more about us.
This mobility grant project is jointly managed and executed by the 'Art and Society Hubs Network. Click here to learn more about us.