藍。掉 FADE TO BLUE(2016)專輯編號 : TMCD-354
專輯名稱 : 藍。掉 樂人團體 : 鍾玉鳳、David Chen Album No. : TMCD-354 Album Title : Fade to Blue Artists : Chung Yufeng, David Chen ▂▂ 專輯介紹 Introduction: 鍾玉鳳與David Chen,兩人在音樂路上耕耘數十載,各自擁有豐富的創作經歷,他們共通的特質是:誠實、自由,且勇於冒險。琵琶來自古老的魯特琴家族(Lute),是個性分明,敘事性強的獨奏樂器。藍調最早源自非洲,後發展成西方深厚的民謠傳統基底,David玩的12弦老吉他,聲響層次更為豐富,有一般吉他難以取代的獨特味道。「跨界」是樂器特性延伸與探索的新起點,玉鳳與David以藍調開啓對話,彼此浸染、滲透,玩出更多琵琶與吉他的想像空間,拓展更自由的音樂邊界。 Fade to Blue" is a project that pairs two performers of musical traditions from opposite ends of the world: American blues and folk and traditional Chinese music. Pipa player Chung Yufeng (Taiwan) and guitarist and singer-songwriter David Chen (US) both relish the joy and challenge of using their respective instruments to complement each others' music. Their live repertoire, dubbed both "fascinating and peculiar" by one Taipei newspaper, also happens to be immense fun for both musicians and listeners, with a mix of American roots music standards and original songs. In a typical set, the pair perform everything from Son House's "Preachin' Blues" and folk traditional "Blackberry Blossom" to Chung's original compositions such as the Arabic scale-inspired "Siwa" or the Mongolian-inspired "7-Beat Flash." David and Yufeng are currently working on a second album of original material. 線上試聽/購買 Demo/Buy Online: → iTunes/Apple Music | MuziU | KKBOX | friDay音樂 | myMusic |