出版 Releases >> 大大樹製作 Trees Music Production >> 一夜京戲 A Night at the Chinese Opera
一夜京戲 A NIGHT AT THE CHINESE OPERA(1996)專輯編號 : TMCD-9601
專輯名稱 : 一夜京戲 樂人團體:李寶春 Album No. : TMCD-9601 Album Title : A Night at the Chinese Opera Artists : Li Baochun ▂▂ 專輯介紹 Introduction: Beijing Opera is one of the most sophisticated musical arts that China has to offer, so it is a natural source of interest for world music fans. But how to get started? Like Western Opera, it is not the most approachable genre in the world, unless you have an expert handy to show you around. Trees Music & Art thought about this question a good long while, and decided it had come up with an answer in Beijing Opera singer Li Baochun. Li was born into opulence and high culture in Hebei province, China, in 1950. He first began studying traditional Chinese Opera under his father-noted opera singer Li Shaochun-and later at an opera academy in Beijing. The family lost all of its wealth during the Cultural Revolution. Li was sent to labor in the countryside, and Li's father ended up a broken man after long years of senseless incarceration. Li left China to start a new life in the U.S. in 1985, selling ice cream to make a living, and later coming to Taiwan to continue his professional operatic career. Li is well aware of the difficulty most people hace in "getting into" Beijing Opera. So to make this highly developed performance style more easily accessible to international listeners, Li has chosen the very finest arias from both the traditional and modern Beijing Opera repertoire, and polished them to a high sheen for everyone willing to open his of her ears to their magic. He has sung night after night to standing-room-only crowds in several major European cities, and now, through this release by Trees Music & Art, he is able to share his most stunning performances with you. You will hear selections from the Chinese equivalents of Il Trovatore and Die Zauberflote. Read the liner notes, and let yourself be drawn into some new and very powerful spiritual currents. 專輯曲目 Tracklist: 1. 揭開序幕 Prologue 2. 大雪飄 野豬林 Snowstorm from The Wild Boar Forest 3. 見喜兒 白毛女 Reunion with Xi'er from The White Haired Girl 4. 恨平王 文昭關 Rancor toward Ping Wang from Wen Zhao Guan 5. 過了一天又一天 文昭關 Day after Day from Wen Zhao Guan 6. 一輪明月 文昭關 Bright Moon from Wen Zhao Guan 7. 老丈 烏盆記 Respected Sir from Wen Zhao Guan 8. 兄長說話 戰樊城 The Elder Speaks from Assault in Fancheng 9. 一封書信 戰樊城 A Letter from Assault in Fancheng 10. 昔日有個三大賢 珠簾寨 Three Ancient Sages from Zhulianzhai 11. 金鐘響 上天台 The Golden Bell Tolls from In the Royal Court 12. 姚皇兄 上天台 Minister Yao from In the Royal Court 13. 王離了 上天台 The King has Departed from In the Royal Court 14. 謝幕 Epilogue 15. 安可曲:過了一天又一天 伴奏 Encore: Day after Day Instrumental accompaniment |